New! "Self-Sabotage Meditation" just added to the Heal/Create Course!


New! "Self-Sabotage Meditation" just added to the Heal/Create Course! 〰️

Hi, I’m Courtney.

I’m a life consultant, a singer/songwriter, a speaker and podcaster. I’m so glad you’re here, if only to read these words: you have everything it takes to heal and create. Why is that important to know?

Well, human beings were made to create. Our creativity is our essence, it is the natural expression and state of someone who feels safe and present. For so many of us however, our creativity is buried underneath layers of self protection and fear that needs healing in order to allow us to recover it.

But this is absolutely possible. For everyone.

If I could, I’d love to prove that to you from a scientific standpoint, or invite you to explore the spiritual truth of it, or let the cutting edge of trauma research blow your mind with hope. You. Wherever you’re at. You can heal and recover the joy and inspiration you were born to experience. And then? And then let’s create those things you’ve always dreamed of.

In my journey, I found that your dreams will always require your healing, and your healing will always make way for you to create new and beautiful things like only you can. I believe its Gods design to heal you, and heal the world. You weren’t made to suffer or survive your life. You also weren’t meant to push down your emotions and override your body in order to create.

You are here to have the time of your life, you know? So let’s get to it.

Let’s heal, lets create.

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