A course and ultimate roadmap for Creatives ready to solidify who they are, what they’re here to create, and heal whats in the way.

You have these moments, these moments when you imagine yourself doing that thing that lights you up. Maybe you don’t know the exact details, but you know how it feels. You can see yourself there. Expressing your true, most joyful and connected self, inspiring others, full of life. 

And then its gone, and you return to feeling stuck, lost, wondering if you’ll ever actually know what its like to live the life you feel you’re made for in your heart. You return to apathy, coping patterns and a feeling of heaviness, or general hypervigilance. 

Listen, you’re not wrong about you. You have these dreams for a reason. There are unhealed wounds and unhelpful beliefs in the way that are keeping you from pursuing them.

Read my story here.

“What is the MATTER WITH ME. Why cant I just DO the things I dream about doing?”

"There are so many people doing the same thing as what I want to do, what’s the point?"

"I have so many ideas in my head, but when it comes to moving forward, I get overwhelmed and stuck in the planning stage."

“I don’t get it. I feel so excited in some moments, but then when I go to write a song/perform onstage/post content, it’s like there’s this invisible wall I can’t get over.”

“The thing that makes me feel most alive is the thing that is the hardest to do.”

“Maybe I don’t want it bad enough.”

The thing about these statements above, is that while they feel real, they are actually the work of your brilliant nervous system, just trying to keep you safe, and keep you small. Once you really begin to understand that, and understand why, you’ll be able to work with it in effective ways. If this is you, I promise you there is a way out of this. I may not know the exact path out of the place you’ve been in, but I know how to help you find it.

Understanding yourself in parts is essential in the transformative process. Most likely, you’ve had the experience of feeling excited by an idea, then later felt shut down around it. How do we educate ourselves around which part of us is active and driving the bus of our lives, and begin to live out lives from the most hopeful and inspired place inside us. How can we locate our authenticity, step toward our creative power and show compassion on our woundedness that comes up along the way? Where’s the map for that?

That is what this course is. A map home to you and the tools you’ll need to create the beautiful things only you can.

I just finished your Heal/Create course and ohhhhh my goodness it’s so rich and juicy and encouraging. I have been feeling stuck and I knew I needed to feel inspired again - inspired that this work matters and that I can do it. I felt so reassured as I was reminded of the pace of healing and the compassion I can give and the life giving encouragement that I can create things! Thanks for creating such a beautiful gift. ”

Jenny C

I’ve been slowly getting up, dreaming, and finding my way back to open air.

I think it’s revolutionary. I’ve written more in the past few weeks than I have in the last two years thanks to the sustainable, compassionate tools I gained from the Heal/Create Course. The night I finished it I just laid in my bed and cried because for the first time in a long time I felt God over my dreams again, so thanks Court.”

Gabe G.

You can discover the unhealed wounds and unhelpful beliefs in between you and your dreams. You can heal them.

It starts with getting to know the different versions of yourself...

Meet You.

  • It is really difficult to know when you’re acting from a wounded version of you if you aren’t grounded into who you truly are.

    Have you heard that federal agents study authentic bills until they master the look of the real thing, so that when a counterfeit crosses their path, they know it instantly? This is what we’ll be doing in this module, uncovering and studying our true, authentic self.

    So many of us are so familiar with our pain and triggers, but can’t figure out why we aren’t healing. It is because so few of us are well acquainted with the most lit-up, joyful, inspired and regulated versions of ourselves. You are not your triggers, you are who you hope you are. Let’s get to know that person, together.

  • In the Wounded You module, we will be educating you around what is in the way of you embodying your authenticity and keeping you stuck in patterns of insecurity and fear. We will be taking a deep dive into understanding your nervous system and working with the child within. I’ll be helping you discern what you, personally, might need in terms of healing (it seems like there are so many options doesn’t it?), and what to expect on your own road to restoration and creativity.

  • Finally, my very favorite topic, we will be introducing you to the Creative You in Module 3; the true version of you that feels deeply safe to begin designing the life and goals and dreams that have always been inside of you. This is where it gets fun-really fun.

    Through a guided meditation, videos, and suggested resources, you will be guided to dream and create in alignment with your authentic self, and then empowered to implement what is needed to see those dreams materialize.

Let’s locate you, heal what’s in the way of you being you, and create what only you can.

This powerful combination of self-discovery, nervous system regulation, and inner child work distinguishes The Heal/Create Course as a holistic and transformative experience. By addressing the emotional and psychological aspects that may hinder your authenticity, this course empowers artists and creatives to not only understand themselves on a profound level but also to channel that understanding into the creation of meaningful and authentic artistic expressions.

This is not just a course; it's a dynamic and empowering journey toward self-discovery, healing, and the realization of your creative dreams.

You guys, I am so excited to be able to offer this to you and I can’t wait to see how it absolutely transforms your life.

Who is the Heal/Create Method for?

The Stuck Creative

  • There’s something about the artists brain, isn’t there? Swirly, powerful and colorful. I get it, I am one. That same imagination that allows you to create the most beautiful things also can get you into a world of trouble when it comes to navigating WHY you feel stuck in your process. Whether you are experiencing creative blocks, a lack of inspiration, or a sense of stagnation in your artistic pursuits, this course provides tools and strategies to move beyond these barriers, fostering a renewed sense of creativity and innovation.


    Entrepreneurs, you are Creatives. I’m not sure if that’s good news or bad news, but the truth is, creating something out of nothing is a challenge whether its a song, a picture, or a million dollar business. The You Series is tailored for you as well, if you are ready to navigate personal and professional growth, overcome emotional hurdles, and evolve as individuals and the savvy business leader you have always hoped you are.

    Individuals Ready for Healing

    While you may not identify as an artist, per se, if you feel stuck moving toward any of the dreams you have; health goals, a relationship, a family, a vocation path, a new home, a move, whatever it is, then you are disconnected from your creative power, and that my friend, is so so healable. This course will be give you the tools and encouragement to do so as well as help you know exactly how to productively navigate the pain that feels confusing at best, and insurmounatble at worst. There’s a reason you want to heal, and it is because you were meant to do so.

    Those Craving Growth

    One of the things that I love about this course, is that it will really get you in contact with your true desires and goals. You might think you don’t know what you want, but I promise, you do. If you are just ready to really get to know yourself in a powerful way, if you feel generally uninspired in your life and are ready to evolve out of the place you’ve been in, I got you. The course is for those that KNOW they are meant for more. and aren’t afraid (well mostly aren’t afraid) to turn inward and face what is in the way of them evolving into the most true, powerful, and connected version of themselves.

The Details

12 Videos

Authentic You, Wounded You, and Creative You each 12 include several videos (all under 20 minutes, don’t worry! Studies show shorter videos increase retention and support momentum!) and written material to further your understanding around whats actually happening when you feel stuck, how to return to your true self and how to help yourself move into creativity sustainably.

Self-Discovery Exercises

12 Printable pdf homework assignments to complete in your own time that will help you apply what you’re learning to your own life and art. This homework is the kind you’ll actually want to do, as it will help you really ground into who you truly are, and show you who you are when you’re not in your authenticity and how to support those versions of you effectively.


I’m SO excited to be able to offer these! Listening to reflective meditations has not only been an incredibly supportive resource for me, but it’s also no secret that I’m not alone in that. Meditations like these have been proven to literally rewire your shift and improve your subconscious beliefs and over time, change the beliefs that are contributing MOST to the fear around moving confidently into your future. There are 7 powerful yet gentle recorded meditations, with and without beautiful background music that you have forever access to.


-30 journal prompts to help guide you toward safety, your authenticity, and your inspiration!

-resource list of supportive books for each module’s focus to continue your understanding and inspiration

- a curated playlist of podcast episodes with experts in the field of emotional health, nervous system regulation, and creative inspiration

-Lifetime access to course material! This course will expand over time with new resources, videos and meditations and your access to all of it will stay the same, at no additonal cost to you, even if the price is raised in the future to reflect the expanded value!
