The Heal/Create Podcast is the place where you and I get to meet up every week and talk about all things creativity, faith and emotional health.
Listen, your dreams will always require your healing, and your healing will always make space for more of your authentic self to dream and create what only you can. And you pursuing your dreams in an emotionally sustainable way is what will inspire others to do the same! I’m completely obsessed with the whole design. On the Heal/Create Podcast, we’re going to empower and equip you to move through what keeps you from pursuing your dreams, educate you on your nervous system and emotions and how to show up in the world from a True Self Space, and get into all the messy faith stuff that seems to accompany any Creative who has a complicated relationship with Christianity wants to wad through it without throwing it all out.
Oh also, you’ll hear lots of my stories as well as stories and info from artists and experts in their field.
Honestly, it’s a good time if I do so say myself. Hopefully it feels like the biggest hug…or high five, if you’re not a hugger.
Check out the Heal/Create Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!
Sarah D.